I just want to say that I’m in my studio tonight, still working on this new piece for the Kingston Gallery Associates show, Pushing Forward, and I’m really excited about how it’s coming out. The piece will be called, Big Bang: Departures, and takes my copper wire drawing work in new directions.
Between you and me
Here is the beginning of my next copper wire drawing. I’m going to be honest here… I wasn’t sure I could pull it off, these two tiny figures in bent wire, with enough expression and gesture to imply a connection between them across the open space. I’m really happy with how they came out. This one will join “She Works the Lines” in the Kingston Gallery Associates show, Entangle, opening July 5th. Hope to see you there!
Adding the stand-offs for the last piece in the summer miniseries. There was Ride, Camp, Sing, and now “Rest.”
Come see them all before they go during Somerville Open Studios at Mad Oyster Studios.
Sing – in progress
The wire drawing part of “Sing” is done! Just need to solder on the brass mounting rods, drill the wooden board, and put it all together. I think this means I’ll be able to finish the next one in the series, “Rest,” in time for Somerville Open Studios!
Up next, “Sing.” I’ll bend, cut, and solder wire to line up with the drawing.
Starting in on Sing, next in the summer mini-series.
In case you were wondering what the process is like, for bending these tiny, precise shapes… here goes. Three minutes working on a section that will be less than one square inch of the finished piece.
Wheel, in progress
Wheel built. Okay, phew, that was hard.
Starting a bike…
Starting some new small wire drawings to (hopefully) be ready in time for Somerville Open Studios.